Empordà vineyards and wines seen by travellers between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries

Main Article Content

Manuel Moreno Chacón

This article is a homage to the remembered Eduard Puig i Vayreda, who is an expert in the Empordà field, especially of everything related to the vine and wine. His oenologist studies put them into practice from both a professional and cultural point of view, leaving us several works in the form of books and articles about viticulture. From these pages you want to be in this theme, compiling a number of accounts of travellers, mostly foreign, who visited the Alt  Empordà between the 15TH and 19TH centuries. The vision of the travellers of the vine and the wine Empordanese allows to know the evolution of viticulture in the region throughout history, converting its stories into an important documentary source for its study.



Travel, Traveller, Crops, Vine, Wine, Viticulture

Article Details

How to Cite
Moreno Chacón, Manuel. “Empordà vineyards and wines seen by travellers between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries”. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, vol.VOL 51, pp. 301-16, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnnalsEmpordanesos/article/view/378182.
Author Biography

Manuel Moreno Chacón

Llicenciat en Història per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i arxiver