A geometrical interpretation of the site of Sant Pere de Rodes monastery

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Fernando Aizpun de la Escosura
The location of the Sant Pere de Rodes monastery is surrounded by mystery and singularity. This study aims to analyse how the discovery of geometrical laws on geographical surroundings, its possible relation to the founding history-legend and a certain humanistic interpretation of these could present objective theories and significant conclusions as far as the emplacement is concerned. The founding legend of the monastery, taking into account historical and topographical data which relate to it, links it to the arrival of the Saint's relics at the Empordà coast.


Sant Pere de Rodes, geometry, monastery, cap de Creus, cap de Cervera

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How to Cite
Aizpun de la Escosura, Fernando. “A geometrical interpretation of the site of Sant Pere de Rodes monastery”. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, vol.VOL 49, pp. 11-24, doi:10.2436/20.8010.01.237.