Estudi de l’efecte de la flora invasora sobre les espècies autòctones del litoral de Llançà

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Marc Giménez Maranges
Our work is a comprehensive study about the flora there is on the coast of our town, Llançà. In this way, we have done a field study, carrying out a classification of the different native plants of our coast according to the habitats we found. So, our objective was making the most precise evaluation as possible about the situation in which our native plants are in front of the problem invasive flora is causing. With all the data we got, we also tried to make people aware of the situation in which the native flora of our coast is. With that purpose, we developed different activities in two primary schools of the area; in addition, we helped on the organization of a campaign to pull up Carpobrotus edulis, an invasive plant, which was proposed by the management of Cap de Creus’ natural park.


Biodiversity, introduced flora, invasive flora, native flora

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How to Cite
Giménez Maranges, Marc. “Estudi de l’efecte de la flora invasora sobre les espècies autòctones del litoral de Llançà”. Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos, vol.VOL 43, pp. 301-25, doi:10.2436/20.8010.01.112.