TIC, derechos humanos y desarrollo : nuevos escenarios de la comunicación social
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Olga del Río Sánchez
The relationship between ICT, human rights and development are two distinct scenarios. On one hand, while ICTs have given rise to a new global public space, cyberspace, where new forms emerge that take the rights of first, second and third generation and its substantive contribution to the development processes and models focused in the face of those focused on economics and technology. On the other, the realization of the rights to information, communication and cyberspace, in the information society, not only become the fundamental human rights in themselves, but also a condition for the exercise and protection of other rights.
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Río Sánchez, Olga del. “TIC, derechos humanos y desarrollo : nuevos escenarios de la comunicación social”. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, no. 38, pp. 55-69, https://raco.cat/index.php/Analisi/article/view/142472.
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