Press coverage of the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks in “”: Analysis of informative treatment of Islam
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Tamer Al Najjar Trujillo
Universitat Jaume I
Alex Iván Arévalo Salinas
Universitat Jaume I
As builders of collective imaginaries, the mainstream media have, for years, disseminated a distorted view of Islam through the use of a negative terminology and approach. Was this trend repeated in the case of during the coverage of the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils in 2017? To answer this question, a content analysis is carried out of eight news items that alluded directly or indirectly to Islam published within the 48-hour timeframe following the attacks. The associated topics are analyzed and two aspects are confirmed: the active denunciation of structural violence and the terminology used. As a result, it is verified that at the thematic level was interested in covering the Muslim believers’ condemnation of the attacks. However, the use of terminology continues to reproduce certain errors of the traditional press. In addition, there is no contextual framework that explores the root causes of the Islamophobic acts that took place after the attacks.
Keywords, Islam, terrorism, Barcelona and Cambrils, digital press
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How to Cite
Al Najjar Trujillo, Tamer; and Arévalo Salinas, Alex Iván. “Press coverage of the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks in ‘’: Analysis of informative treatment of Islam”. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, no. 60, pp. 81-96,
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