Communication and C-Suite: Some Strategic Contributions
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In the current complexity of public communication, the debate regarding relationships between organizations and their stakeholders demands special attention, in particular the responsibility of business in social contexts and environmental sustainability. Academic discussion in recent decades has increased the interest in the role of communication in the professional sphere. However, academia has not explicitly addressed its relationship with the key leadership process that is decision-making. To what extent does good management of communication links provide managers with good guidelines for corporate governance? Taking an original approach, this article aims to analyze to what extent communication and the establishment of relationships with stakeholders enrich the difficult task of making decisions in the company. For this purpose, the authors encourage an interdisciplinary discussion that examines the most significant doctrinal concepts: public relations, corporate communications and the stakeholder theory. Finally, the article makes a proposal that clarifies concepts and provides business with some keys for using communication to make a strategic contribution.
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The author hereby declares that he/she is the original author of the work. The editors shall thus not be held responsible for any obligation or legal action that may derive from the work submitted in terms of violation of third parties' rights, whether intellectual property, trade secret or any other right.Mónica Recalde Viana, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. University of Navarra
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business. PhD in Communication Studies at the University of Navarra.Elena Gutiérrez-García, Faculty of Communication. University of Navarra.
Aggregate Professor of the School of Communication at the University of Navarra and deputy director of the Master in Political and Corporate Communication at the same university.Most read articles by the same author(s)
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