Gender(ed) Matters in Communication/Media Studies: Integrating Curricular Innovation and Social Change in the Spanish Model

Main Article Content

Maria Pando Canteli
Annabel Martín

This article investigates the benefits of making gender-related issues more central to the Communication Studies curriculum in the Spanish system of higher education. The shift to "value-impact criteria" as the standard of success of today’s curricula in Europe is one of the strongest critiques that higher education is facing in that context. This article focuses on the state of affairs in Spain, showcases why Communication Studies is a particularly relevant field for these changes, outlines how a multi-platform approach to learning (combination of teaching, research, and social activism) pays special attention to the ways gender, racial, ethnic, and economic parameters interface with each other, and details the value of introducing more interdisciplinary and gender-based cognitive paradigms into the curriculum for making our campuses sites of innovation, better learning, and forces for social change.

media, higher-education, Communication and Media Studies, Gender Studies, citizenship, responsibility, Spain, curriculum

Article Details

How to Cite
Pando Canteli, Maria; and Martín, Annabel. “Gender(ed) Matters in Communication/Media Studies: Integrating Curricular Innovation and Social Change in the Spanish Model”. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, no. 50, pp. 39-53,
Author Biographies

Maria Pando Canteli, Deusto University

Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Languages and in the Department of Communication, University of Deusto, Bilbao, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Gender Studies, European Cultural Studies, and media message evaluation

Annabel Martín, Dartmouth College

Associate Professor of Spanish, Comparative Literature, and Women's and Gender Studies, and the director of The Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth College.