La figura del Dircom. Su importancia en el modelo de comunicación integral

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Francisca Morales
Ana Mª Enrique
This article approaches the function of the Dircom, an executive responsible for the communication of both companies and institutions and his implication in the consolidation in the latter years of the model of integral communication. From a holistic point of view of the communication management, the concept/role of the Dircom helps to manage, in a coherent and homogeneous way, the three areas that involve the model of integral communication: communication marketing , institutional communication and internal communication.

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How to Cite
Morales, Francisca; and Enrique, Ana Mª. “La figura del Dircom. Su importancia en el modelo de comunicación integral”. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, no. 35, pp. 83-93,