El discurso reproducido en las informaciones electorales

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Asunción Escribano
The newspapers influence ideologically at the construction of the information to reflect a certain point of view the reality. One of the most effective forms is, in electoral periods, the transmission of the political speech. In this situation they can choose of the direct speech, and respect its literal words, or by the reported speech, in which the election of the verb is intentional and corresponds to the journalist. And it is here where they can introduce its subjectivity, when transmitting along with the words the intentions. The final will is to offer a more or less positive image of the protagonist based on its ideological proximity to the newspaper.

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Com citar
Escribano, Asunción. “El discurso reproducido en las informaciones electorales”. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, no. 35, pp. 65-82, https://raco.cat/index.php/Analisi/article/view/74255.