La comunicación como objeto de estudio de la teoría de la comunicación

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Manuel Martín Algarra
Communication is the first object of study of communication theory. Secondarily, the different explanations about this reality become part of the object of study. Nevertheless, the growth of the field and the importance of the theoretical reflections in it, have turned communication theories into the main object of research for communication theorists: the systematization and evaluation of theories has become the first activity in the theoretical reflection in the Field. These systematizations try to offer a coherent and unitarian articulation of theoretical advances in communication research. The article pays special attention to Robert Craig’s proposal, one of the most influential in the field in the last few years. The author critically discusses Craig’s position that stresses the meta-theoretical function of communication theory and ignores its first role in defining and characterizing the reality of communication.

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Com citar
Martín Algarra, Manuel. “La comunicación como objeto de estudio de la teoría de la comunicación”. Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, no. 38, pp. 151-72,