Guide for the development of integrated teaching units for inclusion

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Mònica Añón Roig
Mª Esperanza García Morales
Estefanía Pastor Añó

This article presents a practicalresourcedesignedbytheauthorsmeant to guidethedevelopment of IntegratedTeaching Units for inclusion. This Instrument helps, fromthetime of itsinitialdesign, to set theadequacy of each of the elements of thedidacticsequence to thecharacteristics of everystudent in a group. Thereby, students, whatevertheireducationalneedsare, may be present, learnandparticipate in thecommonexperience of learning, avoiding as far as possible subsequentadaptations. For itspreparation, threereferenceshavebeenused. Firstly, thestructure of theintegratedtask, central axis of programmingcompetencedidactic units thatweuse. Secondly, theadaptation of some of theindicatorsthatrelate to theprogram of classroom of the C2 dimensionfromthe 3rd revisededition in Index for Inclusionand, thirdly, theadaptation of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines.

Thisresource is anessentialpiece of a broaderprocessthatjustifiesitand, in a simplifiedmanner, followstheprinciplesandphases of theprocedure of multiplesettings (DPM) proposedby Robert Ruiz i Bel (2006). Itstartswith a goodknowledge of thestudentsand tries to plan, fromthecommonproposal, the best conditions for inclusionandthedevelopment of competencies of everystudent in theclassroom, especiallythoseathigherrisk of beingexcluded.


Inclusive education, Integrated teaching unit, Universal design for learning

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How to Cite
Añón Roig, Mònica et al. “Guide for the development of integrated teaching units for inclusion”. Fields of Educational Psychology and Counselling, no. 48, pp. 40-51,