Representacions visuals catalanes del Darwinisme durant el segle XIX
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Francesc Xavier Vall i Solaz
Catalan Visual Representations of Darwinism during the Nineteenth-CenturyThis paper presents images related to Darwinism created or reproduced in Catalonia, particularly in Barcelona, or in a journal published by Catalans emigrated to the United States, La Llumanera de Nova York, during the nineteenth century. Above all they served to popularize Darwinism, sometimes involving bitter controversies. We analyse various iconographic representations, mostly unknown, which are classified according to certain stereotypes, although, in some cases, they surpassed them: theevolutionary sequences (including the research of ancestors), the animalization of man (often as an ape), the humanization of other animals (especially, primates) and the mythification of scientists (in particular, Darwin).
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How to Cite
Vall i Solaz, Francesc Xavier. “Representacions visuals catalanes del Darwinisme durant el segle XIX”. Actes d’història de la ciència i de la tècnica, vol.VOL 8, pp. 85-136,