Las tecnologías de acceso a Internet en España: nacimiento y evolución de la red digital de servicios integrados, 1984-2005

Main Article Content

Ángel Calvo Calvo
This article aims to narrate the birth and evolution of the Integrated Services
Digital Network (ISDN or ISDN) in Spain with an essentially descriptive methodology,
from an interdisciplinary perspective and from varied sources. The study aims to investigate
the forms of the transition from a conceptual or engineering phase to the
market in a standard of Internet access and, at the same time, in the different patterns
of technological innovation and the factors that motivate them. It tries to verify if the
own nature of the techniques, the degree of diffusion of the previous technologies, the
technological level digitalization and the structure of market of the telecommunications
performance of the monopoly of the historical operator National Telephone
Company of Spain influenced of form important in the inequality of penetration with
respect to other countries. The research authorizes to conclude that a very heterogeneous
combination of factors caused that leading countries in the diffusion of a technology
did not achieve that leading role in the diffusion of others.

Article Details

How to Cite
Calvo Calvo, Ángel. “Las tecnologías de acceso a Internet en España: nacimiento y evolución de la red digital de servicios integrados, 1984-2005”. Actes d’història de la ciència i de la tècnica, vol.VOL 11, pp. 69-93,