L'Astronomia i la meteorologia vistes pel cinema

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Eduard Josep Chifré i Petit
I would like to comment in this work the contribution of some films to the
knowledge of Astronomy and Meteorology. Several films have been made in Astronomy
on different subjects. The ones on the life of Galileo, others about asteroids
or meteorites as (Armageddon) and also about the Universe (documentaries
on the TV serial Cosmos). Concerning the meteorological phenomena, I would remark
some films related to the overflowing of rivers (The River), the inclemencys of
the weather in the sea (The Perfect Storm) or the climatic change (the documentary
An inconvenient truth). Such films not only allow us to spend a good time seeing
them but also increase our knowledge of Astronomy and Meteorology and, always
obeying the current legislation, can be an excellent didactic instrument to
teach these subjects.

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Com citar
Chifré i Petit, Eduard Josep. “L’Astronomia i la meteorologia vistes pel cinema”. Actes d’història de la ciència i de la tècnica, vol.VOL 2, no. 1, pp. 101-1, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActesHistoria/article/view/246436.