Els Practicants de la medicina en la creació del Regne de València (1238-1300)

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Carmel Ferragud
The figure of king Jaume I the Conqueror is well-known, but few
times his fundamental role when dealing with the first sanitary policies has been
raised. Medicine, at the height of the 13th century, was experiencing a principal
transformation that would mark its evolution during all the late Middle Ages. King
Jaume I constituted progressively amodel of doctor linked to university, and, at the
same time, he favoured the establishment of a good number of medical assistants
on valencian lands, which had just been conquered. Moreover, he created the first
institutions dedicated to watch over the public health of the new Valencian society.

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Com citar
Ferragud, Carmel. “Els Practicants de la medicina en la creació del Regne de València (1238-1300)”. Actes d’història de la ciència i de la tècnica, vol.VOL 2, no. 2, pp. 61-85, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActesHistoria/article/view/201438.