Estructura i context en una col·lecció de problemes de geometria del segle XVI: les «demandas» de Juan Pérez de Moya

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Josep M. Núñez i Espallargas
Jordi Servat i Susagne
At the paper we explained about the didactic utilization of old geometric
problems in the mathematical education. An example of this question is studied in the
formation of primary education teachers with the geometric «demandas» (problems)
of Juan Pérez de Moya. We show how the structure and the context of these «demandas
» are a reflection of the mathematical interests of the citizens in the 16th century.
The mathematical resources used by Pérez de Moya in the resolution of the problems
that he proposes allow to make a comment of the historical evolution of the
concepts and basicmethods of themathematical science, through a comparison with
the ones current methods. Finally, we point out how some of the problems picked up
in this collection offer suggestions and ideas that they can be from interest for the teacher
of mathematics.

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Com citar
Núñez i Espallargas, Josep M.; and Servat i Susagne, Jordi. “Estructura i context en una col·lecció de problemes de geometria del segle XVI: les «demandas» de Juan Pérez de Moya”. Actes d’història de la ciència i de la tècnica, vol.VOL 2, no. 1, pp. 419-26,