Una algarada andalusina a la Costa Brava, l'any 935

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Dolors Bramon
Rosa Lluch Bramon
Some years ago we studied the toponyms that appear in the chronicle of the historian from Cordova Ibn Hayyân. He describes a Muslim attack to the Christian shores in the
summer of 935. The caliphal fleet punished the village of Salses and then continued towards the south to Empúries and several places in the Baix Empordà and Barcelona’s
surroundings. At one point on the coast so far undetermined, the attackers were divided and lighter ships followed the Ter River and devastated the plain of Girona. Thanks to a Christian document of 1063, we identify the toponym that appears as «Qâlat Marwân
», and we also demonstrate that corresponds to the future town of Palamós. This identification allows advancing the first mention of this population and to correct with new items the etymology proposed by Coromines and others.

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Cómo citar
Bramon, Dolors; y Lluch Bramon, Rosa. «Una algarada andalusina a la Costa Brava, l’any 935». Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, n.º 30, pp. 85-92, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/250074.