Un periodo crucial en la construcción del medievalismo en Cataluña: de "La Historia de Cataluña y la Corona de Aragón" de Víctor Baklaguer (1863, a "Los orígenes de la revolución catalana" de Jaime Vicens Vives (1957)

Main Article Content

Josep Fernández Trabal
Study of the evolution of the Catalan medievalism, from the origin in the Renaisance cultural movement, during the 19th century, to Jaume Vicens Vives in de half 20th century. This work analyses the development of the Catalan historiography and their more important manifestations in the periods of Romanticism, Positivism and Social History. Include also the us of myts and topics more currently for the historians.

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Cómo citar
Fernández Trabal, Josep. «Un periodo crucial en la construcción del medievalismo en Cataluña: de "La Historia de Cataluña y la Corona de Aragón" de Víctor Baklaguer (1863, a “Los orígenes de la revolución catalana” de Jaime Vicens Vives (1957)». Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, n.º 27, pp. 209-35, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188985.