Problemes en l'entrada de bestiar destinat a carn a la ciutat de Barcelona durant la segona meitat del segle XV. Una qüestió fiscal i de salut pública

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Ramon Agustí Banegas López
Celia Segovia Servián
In the present study there is analyzed the tax and sanitary evasion that the butchers commit when they introduce animals destined for the human consumption in the city of Barcelona without passing the regulation controls that are practised in the door of the city and, naturally, without paying the tax on the consumption of the meat. The investigation begins with the analysis of a judicial process of 1481, where a butcher of Barcelona is accused of introducing animals during the night across the wall of the city; after presenting the case there have been investigated the origins of the above mentioned fraud and the reasons that induce the butchers to risk being defrauded, even knowing hard sentences that the municipal authorities can impose them.

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Cómo citar
Banegas López, Ramon Agustí; y Segovia Servián, Celia. «Problemes en l’entrada de bestiar destinat a carn a la ciutat de Barcelona durant la segona meitat del segle XV. Una qüestió fiscal i de salut pública». Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, n.º 27, pp. 121-42,