Más documentos notariales de Sevilla de la primera mitad del siglo XIV
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María Luisa Pardo Rodríguez
The restoration of the city from Seville to the current of Latin civilization produced, from the first moment, an abundant documentary production. In the present work five documents are contributed (two sales, a chaplaincy dowry, a ratification of a donation pro animates and a testament), product of the professional activity of the Sevillian notaries, whose external and internal form, characters and content are a faithful reflection of the documentary products that were made and validated in the different public stores from escribanías that was in the city in first half of century XIV.
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Cómo citar
Pardo Rodríguez, María Luisa. «Más documentos notariales de Sevilla de la primera mitad del siglo XIV». Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, n.º 25, pp. 709-25, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188909.