"Per la molt magnífica senyora e de mi cara jermana la senyora Catarina Çabastida en lo castell de la Brucola, en Sicília". Lettere di donne catalane del quattrocento

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Gemma T. Colesanti
The work illustrates some aspects of woman’s Middle Ages with help of unpublished letters found in the Archives of "Centre Borja" of S. Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona). The documents wrote by two catalan women show the life and the mentality of themselves who lived between Sicily and Barcelona at the end of fifteenth century.

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Cómo citar
Colesanti, Gemma T. «“Per la molt magnífica senyora e de mi cara jermana la senyora Catarina Çabastida en lo castell de la Brucola, en Sicília”. Lettere di donne catalane del quattrocento». Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, n.º 25, pp. 483-98, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188899.