Entorn al testament de Brunissèn d'Alentorn i alguns costums funeraris de la Lleida medieval
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Francesc , 1948- Fité i Llevot
In this research from the late medieval period, we want to analyze diferent aspects related to funerary world through Brunissèn d’Alentorn’s will. The document is compared with other wills from Lleida’s area that acquire knowledge to these customs, for instance, the draps d’or’s uses. These were provided of deceased’ heraldry, and were comissioned to cover the tomb. Also, in Lleida’s case, they were used to decorate the ancient cathedral’s presbitery during the main festivities, and the patrons’ wedding bed. Artistic patronage, social prestige, family arms ostentation, pomp and devotion are other aspects that would be emphasized in this tour, just as the private devotions in the chapels and altars that were founded regarding this topic.
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Fité i Llevot, Francesc , 1948-. “Entorn al testament de Brunissèn d’Alentorn i alguns costums funeraris de la Lleida medieval”. Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, no. 26, pp. 659-76, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188961.
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