El acuerdo firmado entre el reino de Navarra y la tierra de Soule en 1327. La recuperación de un documento perdido

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María Rosa Ayerbe Iríbar
This is the transcription and study of a document, lost until now, that contains the agreement signed between the kingdom of Navarre and the Earth of Soule in 1327, with the participation of all the inhabitants of the last one. The content in this agreement is of special importance for the History of Navarre and the Vascofrances Country.

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Com citar
Ayerbe Iríbar, María Rosa. “El acuerdo firmado entre el reino de Navarra y la tierra de Soule en 1327. La recuperación de un documento perdido”. Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, no. 22, pp. 397-10, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188828.