Teresa de Cartagena: la infinitud del cuerpo

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María-Milagros , 1947- Rivera Garretas
A theological interpretation of the work of the 15th-Century Castilian conversa writer Teresa de Cartagena: theological in the sense of considering divine the female creative principle, as in the theology of the beguines. In her Grove of the Infirm, Teresa describes her itinerary towards an understanding of her illness as a revelation of divine love.
In her Wonder at the Works of God, she interprets her contemporaries’ doubts about her authenticity as an author, as a crime against the work of God manifested in her.

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Com citar
Rivera Garretas, María-Milagros , 1947-. “Teresa de Cartagena: la infinitud del cuerpo”. Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, no. 20, pp. 755-66, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188808.