Raymond Lully and the “Discurso” of Juan de Herrera

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Mariano Carbonell Buades
The celebration of Llull Year (2015-2016), commemorating the seventh centenary of the death of Ramon Llull (anglicised Raymond Lully), represents an excellent opportunity to review some historiographical topics. In particular, this paper offers a reflection on the true scope of the Lullism of Juan de Herrera, the famous architect of El Escorial, based on three complementary elements: his treatise entitled Discurso sobre la figura cúbica; the exceptional character of his library, with around one hundred Lullist titles among some four hundred books, and his personal involvement in the early stages of the frustrated process of canonization of the wise man from Majorca.
Juan de Herrera, Raymond Lully, El Escorial, Renaissance treatises, Renaissance libraries

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How to Cite
Carbonell Buades, Mariano. “Raymond Lully and the ‘Discurso’ of Juan de Herrera”. Acta Artis: Estudis d’Art Modern, no. 4-5, pp. 13-26, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaArtis/article/view/327458.