Qualities of Russina literary journals

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Natalia Grushina
This article focuses on the unique type of publication, which had a huge impact on the formation and development of Russian readers. Literary magazines in Russia started to be issued from mid-19th century. Since then they have occupied a special place among the various periodicals. So-called "thick journals" played an important social and cultural role in different periods of Russian and Soviet history. The article deals with the specifics of "thick journals" as a special type of periodicals, tells about the major milestones in the history of this type of publication in Russia. The author proposes a new method of studying a language of Russian literary journals as a discourse.
Russian literary journals, cognitive approach, text and discourse

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How to Cite
Grushina, Natalia. “Qualities of Russina literary journals”. Anuari de filologia. Llengües i literatures modernes, no. 6, pp. 37-44, https://raco.cat/index.php/AFLLM/article/view/317388.