The Origins of a Hero: Oedipus at Colonus

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Míriam Carrillo Rodríguez

In this paper, I will analyse the transition of Oedipus from mortal to hero in Oedipus at Colonus. This analysis will be based on the description the poet gives about the mortal character’s limitations, such as old age, blindness, weakness and míasma, and the way Oedipus overcomes them when his death and heroization are near. Then, I will contextualize the play within the ancient traditions about Oedipus’ death and cult. This will illustrate how Sophocles could have staged elements of the Attic landscape and Oedipus’ cult which may have been known to the audience.

Oedipus at Colonus, Sophocles, hero, hero cult

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How to Cite
Carrillo Rodríguez, Míriam. “The Origins of a Hero: Oedipus at Colonus”. Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia, vol.VOL 2, no. 11, pp. 33-42,