Byzantine novel in context: about "Drosila and Charicles", comnenian diegesis from Nicetas Eugenianós, XIIth Century

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Arantxa Illgen Izquierdo

This paper aims to present in context a literary text of the comnenian period (XIIth century): the versified Nicetes Eugenianós´s narration or diegesis, with the title Drosila and Chariclés. This narrative text is remarcable not only for his versified composition and narrative form, that takes the model directly from Teodor Prodromos, but also for the impress that its seems to take from the hellenistic fiction, specially Achilles Tacius, Heliodorus and Longus, as the poetic tradition with the referent of Theocritus.

Narratology, Greek fiction, Byzantine novel, Komnenian age, Twelfth Century, Diegesis

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How to Cite
Illgen Izquierdo, Arantxa. “Byzantine novel in context: about ‘Drosila and Charicles’, comnenian diegesis from Nicetas Eugenianós, XIIth Century”. Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia, vol.VOL 1, no. 9, pp. 59-72,