Forms and Effects of Contemporary Violence: A Reading of Middle East Conflict from the Analysis of Power

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Danilo Ricardo Rosero Fuentes
The conflict that is currently unfolding in the Middle East, has led to the proliferation and generalization of spaces and different forms of extreme violence. Those traits turn the conflict areas in authentic spaces of "war and death", in which the establishment of a necropolític order manifests itself (Mbembe, 2011). Even when, the manifestations of this order are not restricted to the conflict, in the Middle East this particular conflict does represent, not only the most extreme form of the necropolític order, but also, its most systematic mode, in such a way that the traits that define such order, revolve around: 1) the emergence of "incomplete governments" and forms of "indirect private governments" ; 2) the normalization of the state of emergency as a form of governmentality ; 3) the ordering of contemporary forms and subjects of war; and, 4 ) the dispute in the subjectivity field to justify and legitimize the practice of death.
necropolítica, biopolítica, Orient Mitjà, violència, guerra i mort

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How to Cite
Rosero Fuentes, Danilo Ricardo. “Forms and Effects of Contemporary Violence: A Reading of Middle East Conflict from the Analysis of Power”. Anuari del Conflicte Social, no. 5, pp. 10-32,