Influence of Simulated Natural Light on Mood and Well-being Case study at Obos Living Lab, Oslo, Norway

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Giovanna Taques Martins
Adrián Muros Alcojor
María José Perdomo Cruz

Northern regions deal with low solar intensity and low solar angles, accentuating health and well-being issues such as sleeping problems or even seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Consequently, it showcases the urge for an artificial lighting system that can back up sunlight deficiency and address health concerns. Also, verisimilar sunlight simulation data is still scarce but has shown positive implications for individuals, as in accordance with other references. This article comprises the first part of an experiment at Obos Living Lab in Oslo, Norway. It uses a prototype that proposes to simulate natural light and evaluate potential impacts on subjects. By monitoring a group of participants, a series of questionnaires were carried out, taking into account the user's perception of the experimental space. The main focus was on the light and atmosphere generated by the prototype. Through parameters such as energy levels and motivation, it was possible to find correlations within a time frame to identify if there were general and individual improvements in well-being. Results reinforce the importance of simulated sunlight as it achieves positive psychophysiological effects on individuals. Therefore, the prototype could simulate sunlight with a natural quality of light.

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Taques Martins, Giovanna et al. “Influence of Simulated Natural Light on Mood and Well-being Case study at Obos Living Lab, Oslo, Norway”. ACE: architecture, city and environment, vol.VOL 18, no. 52,