Trophic indicators to measure the impact of fishing on an exploited ecosystem

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M. G. Pennino
Jesús M. (Jesús Maria) , 1880-1952 Bellido i Golferichs
D. Conesa
A. López–Quílez
There is currently a global call for more use of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) to provide a holistic view of ecosystem–fisheries interactions. Trophic indicators could therefore be used to support the implementation of an EAFM by providing information on the state of the ecosystem. In this paper we propose a set of indicators such as the marine trophic index (MTI), the fishing in balance (FiB), the cutmarine trophic index (cutMTI) and the pelagic/demersal index (P/D) to assess the dynamics and the trophic changes in the Black Sea large marine ecosytem from 1970 to 2005. Our analysis shows a heavily exploited ecosystem where overfishing and anthropogenic eutrophication are probably responsible. The decline of the MTI, cutMTI and FiB together with the rising trend of the P/D index could be interpreted as a fishing down marine food web process with a strong decrease in abundance of high trophic level species and a considerable increase of low trophic level species.

Key words: Trophic indicators, Ecosystem approach to fisheries management, Black Sea.

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Com citar
Pennino, M. G. et al. “Trophic indicators to measure the impact of fishing on an exploited ecosystem”. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, vol.VOL 34, no. 1, pp. 123-31,

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