Bitch Writing: Postfeminist Autotheory and Camp Aesthetics

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Maribel Rams Albuisech

In her autotheoretical Devenir perra (2009) Itziar Ziga employs self-referential narration and camp aesthetics to destabilize both the hierarchy of knowledge and fixed subjectivities within feminism and the gay and lesbian movements. This article analyses the transfeminist and post-porn perspective of Ziga’s text by drawing connections to women’s sexual subjectification in postfeminist media culture. It also examines the appropriation of camp by lesbianism and queerism and the aesthetic and political project behind the defence of prostitution.

Autotheory, Postfeminism, Postporn, Subjectification, Camp

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How to Cite
Rams Albuisech, Maribel. “Bitch Writing: Postfeminist Autotheory and Camp Aesthetics”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 31, pp. 58-76, doi:10.1344/452f.2024.31.4.