Language, Exile, and Identity in Two Francophone Writers: Kim Thúy and Laura Alcoba
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This article presents the work of two French-language writers, Kim Thúy and Laura Alcoba, who have been exiled and live in two different countries of asylum: Canada and France. Both deploy a narrative that articulates fiction and reality in innovative ways to record their experience of exile shared with others; to a large extent, their novels' public speaking is an attempt to give voice to these silenced experiences. The assemblage of the identity of both writers is constructed between the present and the past revisited from adulthood. In their novels, the narrators of their stories claim a hybrid or transcultural construction of identity, a trait that constitutes the basis of their personality as writers. The singularity that unites Alcoba and Thúy lies in the choice of a language other than their mother tongue, which they both know well. However, French, which they learned later, is chosen to bear witness to their life's journey. This study attempts to determine the reasons for this choice, which gave them the intimate freedom of expression to tell the story of their exile and their integration at the same time.
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Comparative Literature magazine 452ºF [ISSN 2013-3294] is a publishing project coordinated by Asociación Cultural 452ºF, and developed by its Editorial board.
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