Entre el cyborg, el monstruo y la quimera: producción-reproducción en «Cyber-proletaria» de Claudia Salazar Jiménez
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This article offers an analysis of Claudia Salazar Jiménez’s (Lima, 1976) short story «Cyberproletaria», a section of the book Las otras: Antología de mujeres artificiales (2018), through the lens of science fiction. Her short story opens a discussion among literary genres, sub-genres, and theories that dialogues with science fiction in Latin America, such as cyberfeminism, cyberpunk, post-humanism, and theories of the cyborg and the monster. This article will show how fictional space questions the human paradigm regarding issues such as our modern societies’ barbaric capitalism and its accelerated rate of consumption, the ecological crisis facing the planet, the limits between the natural and the artificial, techniques of assisted reproduction and also surrogacy.
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Comparative Literature magazine 452ºF [ISSN 2013-3294] is a publishing project coordinated by Asociación Cultural 452ºF, and developed by its Editorial board.
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