Distopía, representación, cuerpo y maternidad en El libro de Joan, de Lidia Yuknavitch

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Richard Leonardo-Loayza

This article analyzes The Book of Joan (2018) by Lidia Yuknavitch, arguing that it offers a reflection on the power of writing and on the importance of the literary representations that women make of themselves. Likewise, it suggests that the book proposes an understanding of the body of women as artifact, which not only differentiates them from men but empowers them, providing them with a primordial place on the social spectrum. In this sense, there is a vindication of the reproductive capacity of women and an emphasis on the maternal condition as the fundamental element in the generation and preservation of life.

Dystopia, Literary representation, Feminism, Motherhood, Body, Yuknavitch

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How to Cite
Leonardo-Loayza, Richard. “Distopía, representación, cuerpo y maternidad en El libro de Joan, de Lidia Yuknavitch”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 24, pp. 29-48, https://raco.cat/index.php/452F/article/view/380690.