Trystero World (Literary) System. Thomas Pynchon and the Paranoia of World Literature

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Juan Valls Boix
This paper offers a critical analysis of the paradigm of World Literature as formulated by authors like Damrosch and Moretti through a reading of Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49. Firstly, the paper analyzes the novel by highlighting the similarities between Derridean deconstruction and Pynchon’s literary thought on notions such as inheritance, entropy, and paranoia. Secondly, and by means of the resulting conception of language and literature, the paper will question the validity and desirability of a world literary system.
World Literature, Thomas Pynchon, Derrida, Paranoia, Post-utopia

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How to Cite
Valls Boix, Juan. “Trystero World (Literary) System. Thomas Pynchon and the Paranoia of World Literature”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 20, pp. 34-54,