X Marks the Spot: Literature and Theory as Limit Tests for Comparative Literature in the 21st Century, Canadian Perspectives

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Susan Ingram
Irene Sywenky
This article reflects on the Canadian Comparative Literature Association as it approaches its 50thanniversary. The first part of the article details two small experimental events the association held to update its constitution and prepare for the anniversary, while the second and third parts identify relevant scholarship that speaks to key vectors of the association’s experience: translation, globalization, and World Literature. It situates Canadian Comparative Literature as a translation zone and finds work by Sherry Simon and Billy Rae Belcourt exemplary in embodying and responding to the limits, tensions and challenges we find ourselves facing.
Literatura comparada, Literatura universal, Canadà, Traducció (cultural), Globalització

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How to Cite
Ingram, Susan; and Sywenky, Irene. “X Marks the Spot: Literature and Theory as Limit Tests for Comparative Literature in the 21st Century, Canadian Perspectives”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 20, pp. 16-33, https://raco.cat/index.php/452F/article/view/350773.