Un Lorca-bot a Nova York: implicacions de la intel·ligència artificial en la poesia i la figura de Federico García Lorca

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María del Mar Rodríguez Zárate

Until today we do not have a voice record that could get us closer to the figure of Federico García Lorca. But what would happen if that voice could appear and revive the poet through the digital? The present study aims to generate a poetic comparison, in terms of form and content, between the poem “New York (Office and Denunciation)” by García Lorca and the one recited and remediated by the project IP Poetry (2008). The research discusses the implications, for both the poetry and the figure of Lorca, of an artificial intelligence emulating his lyrical forms and his physical presence in front of a contemporary spectator-reader.

Paraules clau
Literatura digital, García Lorca, Poeta en Nueva York, Intel·ligència artificial, Gustavo Romano

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Com citar
Rodríguez Zárate, María del Mar. “Un Lorca-bot a Nova York: implicacions de la intel·ligència artificial en la poesia i la figura de Federico García Lorca”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 22, https://raco.cat/index.php/452F/article/view/363620.