Campos que matan. Espacios, tiempos y narración en "Distancia de rescate" de Samanta Schweblin

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Lucía De Leone
This paper aims to examine representations of the present day Argentinian agrotoxic field and the narratives it generates through a treatment of the spatial relations and temporal figurations in the novel Distancia de rescate (2014) by Samanta Schweblin. The novel reveals different levels of temporality: the cycle of human life, natural time, and the heterochronic temporality of the narration. Distancia de rescate is also a metafictional reflection, involving spatial determinations and temporal gradations, about how to narrate a story nowadays, a story about the urgency of rescues in a pampero scenario where the laws of nature are challenged intervening and even replacing its creations, its biodiversity threatened and destroyed: the rescuing of one’s life and of what is important in the story that can provide thickness to a new rural narrative.
Paraules clau
Country, Agrotoxics, Distancia de rescate, Samanta Schweblin, Argentinian contemporary literature

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Com citar
Leone, Lucía De. “Campos que matan. Espacios, tiempos y narración en ‘Distancia de rescate’ de Samanta Schweblin”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 16, pp. 62-76,