Poética de resistencia en Itxaro Borda

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Tina Escaja
Itxaro Borda presents in her poetry a visionary aesthetics of plurality (of language, body, sexuality, culture and geography) that point to a celebration of alterity and of resistance toward values imposed by the univocality and hyper-masculinity of a Basque nationalism that the author often denounces. Her criticism of the language/nation from within the language/nation that includes differences allows the fixity of the discourse of power to be dismantled, resisting its essentialisms and hierarchies from a «mobile centrality» in the fluctuating aesthetics present in her poetry.

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Com citar
Escaja, Tina. “Poética de resistencia en Itxaro Borda”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 9, pp. 111-25, https://raco.cat/index.php/452F/article/view/275775.