Euskal subjektuaren bilakaera erromaneskoa : desberdintze estrategiaren eta homologazio nahiaren arteko negoziaketa literario-ideologikoak

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Ur Apalategi
The goal of this article is to study the fictional evolution of the subject who thinks himself Basque, from its appearance in the late Middle Ages to the present day. In making an ideological reading of literary production, and a literary reading of political ideology, we wish to highlight the functional nature of national identity. Behind romantic essentialism, modern anti-essentialism, and every attempt to overcome or combine these two formulas, we eventually find a pragmatic player with a reflective capacity who will build or deconstruct a speech, according to the needs of a given time.

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Com citar
Apalategi, Ur. “Euskal subjektuaren bilakaera erromaneskoa : desberdintze estrategiaren eta homologazio nahiaren arteko negoziaketa literario-ideologikoak”. 452ºF: revista de teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada, no. 9, pp. 56-77,