László Nagy, Hungarian poet, and the retranslation of Federico García Lorca’s La casa de Bernarda Alba
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The popularity of García Lorca's The House of Bernarda Alba in Hungary is indisputable. Examining the period spanning from its first staging in our country in 1955 until the present day, we have registered more than fifty premieres. Until 1976, the directors used the first translation, the version translated by the poet, literary translator and Hispanist László András. It took two decades for a new translation to appear, for the 40th anniversary of the death of the Andalusian playwright. This is the work of László Nagy, a famous Hungarian poet. The present article focuses on his version: thanks to Nagy's diary, I will first reconstruct the process of translation, then compare his solutions with the first Hungarian version of 1955 ‒examining specific words and sayings, idioms and set phrases‒ and finally I will comment on the success of the premiere, which was largely due to the new translation.
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GARCÍA LORCA, Federico, Bernarda Alba háza, traducción de László Nagy, manuscrito, 1976.
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