Las traducciones al español de el utilitarismo en el siglo XIX : la versión de Aureliano González Toledo vs la versión de Antonio Zozaya

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Mª del Mar Verdejo Segura
A comparative analysis of John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism in two translations by Aureliano Gónzalez Toledo and Antonio Zozaya. A biographical profile of the translators is followed by a discussion of the distinguishing elements of the paratexts of both editions before going on to focus on the texts themselves and pointing out some of the procedures used by the translators. The Colombian version, the earliest of the two analysed, proves to be a more faithful version of the original text than the Spanish one, which shows the clear influence of an earlier French translation of the text. The differences found include the particular orthotypographic features used by the Colombian translator in a bid to render the text more accessible to the reader, a strategy totally in keeping with his reasons for translating the text. The different terms given for some key words are also noteworthy. Thus, González´s choice for the term happiness is "felizidad", whereas Zozaya´s is consistently "bienestar".

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