PUBLIC ART - The inexorability of change. The importance of preserving historic street lamps in Lisbon's 21st century urban lanscape

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Sofía Águas
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance and significance of historic street lamps in Lisbon’s heritage, and suggest that the preservation and conservation of these notable elements, far from being a burden in economic, environmental and social terms, can be a critical vehicle to make our cultural heritage tangible to future generations and, thus contribute to the sustainable development of the city. This paper is not intended to be an exhaustive discussion of economic and environmental sustainability criteria, such as to proof of energy savings and subsequently cost reductions through new outdoor lighting concepts. Rather it is hoped to be an approach of looking to our heritage and see the importance of the preservation of early streetlamps as a way to contribute to long-term sustainability of cities and also as way to increase, recover and secure knowledge which otherwise may be lost.

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Com citar
Águas, Sofía. “PUBLIC ART - The inexorability of change. The importance of preserving historic street lamps in Lisbon’s 21st century urban lanscape”. On the w@terfront, no. 11, pp. 173-8,