Dinàmiques transfrontereres i protecció d'espais en territoris de muntanya desestructurats. La Terreta (Ribagorça) com a cas d'estudi
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Alexis Sancho-Reinoso
Joan Tort-Donada
This paper raises the issue of cross-border dynamics in a certain area located in the
southern Pyrenees, namely La Terreta, which belongs to the historical cross-border region
of Ribagorça, between Catalonia and Aragon. Special attention is devoted to the performed
protected areas policy. In a context of a deep unstructured and marginal area in
the core of the Pre-Pyrenees mountain range, particular spatial problems affected by
overlapping borders all over the region are analyzed. The focus is particularly concentrated
on the manifold difficulties to face a consistent and logical land management implementation at the local scale.
southern Pyrenees, namely La Terreta, which belongs to the historical cross-border region
of Ribagorça, between Catalonia and Aragon. Special attention is devoted to the performed
protected areas policy. In a context of a deep unstructured and marginal area in
the core of the Pre-Pyrenees mountain range, particular spatial problems affected by
overlapping borders all over the region are analyzed. The focus is particularly concentrated
on the manifold difficulties to face a consistent and logical land management implementation at the local scale.
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How to Cite
Sancho-Reinoso, Alexis; and Tort-Donada, Joan. “Dinàmiques transfrontereres i protecció d’espais en territoris de muntanya desestructurats. La Terreta (Ribagorça) com a cas d’estudi”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 74, pp. 151-72, https://raco.cat/index.php/TreballsSCGeografia/article/view/265323.