Futuros lastrados: comunicación de la CIA sobre el futuro del mundo

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José María Tortosa
This work describes two prospective exercises published in 2001 and 2005, and available on the Internet, on the possible scenarios for 2015 and 2020, respectively, carried out by NCI, a CIA “think tank”. Access to only us professionals was gained in the first, whereas the information base was extended in the second. The changes which have taken place in the world, specifically from Clinton’s presidency to second Bush’s presidency, are reflected in the differences between both exercises. However, the role that this type of products may play in the “public diplomacy” of the United States Government is also apparently clear, especially when their results are compared with those obtained by much less means.

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Com citar
Tortosa, José María. “Futuros lastrados: comunicación de la CIA sobre el futuro del mundo”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, no. 5, pp. 143-57, https://raco.cat/index.php/RecercaPensamentAnalisi/article/view/106764.