Corporalidades indígenas en movimiento. Empoderamientos y disputas en las danzas de las jóvenes tobas
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Silvia Citro
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científicas y Técnicas
En muchos grupos indígenas, las apropiaciones, resignificaciones y tensiones entre elementos provenientes de diferentes corrientes culturales, suelen encarnarse y adquirir mayor visibilidad en los jóvenes. En estos procesos, se difunden nuevas formas de tratamiento del cuerpo, se reconfigura gestualidades, técnicas corporales o se generan nuevas danzas y músicas, promoviendo la circulación de renovadas significaciones, afectividades y valoraciones. Me centraré en las jóvenes indígenas tobas de Formosa, Argentina, especialmente en la reciente organización de sus grupos de danza cristiana en las iglesias del Evangelio. Examinaré cómo estas prácticas han impactado en sus procesos de subjetivación, impulsando nuevas formas de empoderamiento arraigadas en sus cuerpos. Mi hipótesis es que a través de estos grupos de danza, las jóvenes trascienden su histórica circunscripción al espacio doméstico y, de este modo, disputan la hegemonía masculina en un espacio público clave como son los rituales del Evangelio.
Palabras clave: jovenes indigenas – danzas – cuerpos – empoderamientos – mujeres
In many indigenous groups, appropriations, new meanings and tensions among elements from different cultural currents, are often embodied and gain greater visibility in the youth. In these processes, new forms of treatment of bodies are spread, gestures and body techniques are reconfigured, and new dances and music are created, promoting the circulation of renovated meanings, affectivities and values. I will focus on the young Toba women of Formosa, Argentina, especially in the recent organization of their Christian dance groups in the churches of Evangelio. I examine how these practices have impacted on their subjectivation processes, encouraging new forms of empowerment rooted in their bodies. My hypothesis is that through these dance groups, the young Toba women transcend its historic delimitation to the domestic space, and in this way, they dispute the male hegemony in a key public space such as the rituals of the Evangelio.
Keywords: indigenous youth - dance - bodies – empowerments - women
Palabras clave: jovenes indigenas – danzas – cuerpos – empoderamientos – mujeres
In many indigenous groups, appropriations, new meanings and tensions among elements from different cultural currents, are often embodied and gain greater visibility in the youth. In these processes, new forms of treatment of bodies are spread, gestures and body techniques are reconfigured, and new dances and music are created, promoting the circulation of renovated meanings, affectivities and values. I will focus on the young Toba women of Formosa, Argentina, especially in the recent organization of their Christian dance groups in the churches of Evangelio. I examine how these practices have impacted on their subjectivation processes, encouraging new forms of empowerment rooted in their bodies. My hypothesis is that through these dance groups, the young Toba women transcend its historic delimitation to the domestic space, and in this way, they dispute the male hegemony in a key public space such as the rituals of the Evangelio.
Keywords: indigenous youth - dance - bodies – empowerments - women
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Com citar
Citro, Silvia. “Corporalidades indígenas en movimiento. Empoderamientos y disputas en las danzas de las jóvenes tobas”. Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, no. 29, pp. 131-5,