RIESS, Frank, Narbonne and its Territory in Late Antiquity. From the Visigoths to the Arabs, Ashgate, Farnham-Burlington, 2013, 288 p., 5 fig., 5 maps, ISBN: 978-1-4094-5534-9

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Marie-Elise Gardel

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Gardel, Marie-Elise. “RIESS, Frank, Narbonne and its Territory in Late Antiquity. From the Visigoths to the Arabs, Ashgate, Farnham-Burlington, 2013, 288 p., 5 fig., 5 maps, ISBN: 978-1-4094-5534-9”. Pyrenae, vol.VOL 45, no. 2, pp. 157-62, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pyrenae/article/view/286130.