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Once a paper is accepted, its author will adjust it to the LEAP Author guidelines:

If your paper is accepted, please send to leap.journal@upf.edu a Word version, adjusted to the copy-editing guidelines explained below, within the deadline indicated by the Editors.

The Editors may propose small adjustments to homogenize style or increase clarity. PDF proofs, editable with Acrobat, will then be sent to you. Please return them within a week.

The whole document, including the abstract and footnotes, should be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, except for the title, which should be point 16 font. American spelling should be used throughout the paper.

The Title should be in bold, with major words capitalized, the author in capitals and in bold and the affiliation in italics.The words "Abstract" and "Keywords" should be in bold. The word "BIBLIOGRAPHY" (and not REFERENCES) should be in capitals.

Section headings should use informative titles in capitals and Arabic numbers; subheadings should be in italics, and, if numbered, should use Arabic numbers as well. Avoid numbering with letters, and automated numbering features.

Paragraphs should be single spaced and without hard page breaks. There should be a space before and after sections, not between paragraphs. All paragraphs, except for the first paragraph of each section and the first paragraph of the article, should be indented. Indents should be of 0.5 cm. Please separate quotes of over 3 lines (without indenting them) and place punctuation outside quotation marks.

All text (including all section titles, abstract keywords, the word “BIBLIOGRAPHY”, and the sections text) should be left justified. The title,the author, the affiliation, and the word "Abstract", boxes and tables should be centered.Avoid underlining and bold, and use italics sparingly (for clarity and for newly introduced terms or unfamiliar non-English terms only). Punctuate abbreviations (e.g. sec. not sec).

As a guide for how to format the document, see the following article: http://raco.cat/index.php/LEAP/article/view/297544/386531

Use footnotes sparingly. Do not use endnotes. Cite (Author, Date: page) in the Harvard referencing style, but use only initials for first names in the alphabetically ordered bibliography and omit ‘p.’ before the page numbers.Use “added/original emphasis” rather than “my/his italics”. The acknowledgments should go in a footnote to the title.

Examples of references in the text and in footnotes:Smith (1998) claims that... but later clarifies that (2006: 12f)... this hypothesis was soon refuted (Smith 1990)... (Smith etal. 1988) when there are over 2 authors...(also see Smith 1955a: 23, 43, 46-51, 77- 8)...(Smith 1987: sec. 13.5)...(Smith 1967: eq. 5)...(Smith et al. 1989: 246 n. 6)...(Smith and Jones 1989: vol. 3).

If it’s clear you are citing Smith, as in reviews, just use page numbers. Write: “See Smith (2013)”, not “See (Smith 2013)”.

Include a complete BIBLIOGRAPHY at the end and check the dates in the text match the text in the bibliography exactly.

Smith, S., 1972: Morality, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Smith, RJ., 1976: “Morality”, Annals of Philosophy 4: 1236-9.

Smith, RJ., 1999: “Morals and Ethics”, in Morality, legality and legitimacy, Democracy, ed.R. J. Smith and S. Smith, 77-88, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Smith, D. and Smith, eds., 2000: Choices, morality and mortalities, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

Smith, A., 1976 [1759]: Moral sentiments, ed. D. D. Smith, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress.

Smith, A., Forthcoming: “More morality”, Mind.

Smith, A., “Evil”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2004 Edition), N.Zalta (ed.), URL = .

If you list two items by the same author, write: ---, Article Title. Journal 4: 12-23,

Use the full title of the journal with Volume number, but no issue number.

All submissions should contain, in this order: title, author and author’s university (not department), an abstract of 100-300 words, 4 to 6 keywords, main text, and final bibliography.

Provide figures or tables in separate high resolution EPS or TIFF files, and indicate clearly which captions follows which table, and where each figure/table belongs by inserting: ‘FIGURE 1 HERE, TABLE 2 HERE’ etc. or NEAR HERE if we can move it slightly to fit the text better.