Ἑλένη δραματουργός. Ficció dins la ficció de l'<i>Hèlena</i> d'Eurípides
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Jaume Almirall i Sardà
Beyond the traditional image of Helen as being conscious of her nature as an
instrument of divine punishment for mankind, Euripides constructs a new
Helen, mistress of her destiny and authoress of an unexpected happy end.
Clever and crafty Helen acts as a true δραματουργός, by creating a fictional
plot and instructing the actors. By his original treatment of the story, Euripides
strengthens the expression of selfconsciousness of the power of his
instrument of divine punishment for mankind, Euripides constructs a new
Helen, mistress of her destiny and authoress of an unexpected happy end.
Clever and crafty Helen acts as a true δραματουργός, by creating a fictional
plot and instructing the actors. By his original treatment of the story, Euripides
strengthens the expression of selfconsciousness of the power of his
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Com citar
Almirall i Sardà, Jaume. “Ἑλένη δραματουργός. Ficció dins la ficció de l’<i>Hèlena</i> d’Eurípides”. Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica, no. 30, pp. 59-75, https://raco.cat/index.php/Itaca/article/view/296999.